I have been out of school this week due to the Tennessee Walking Horse Show Celebration. The first three weeks of school is always a blur, and having this week off every year is such a blessing. It gives me time to think about what worked and what didn't. I get to tweak things basically.
I was super rushed moving into my new classroom, so it wasn't perfect when school started. I have been in my room twice this week, and it is coming along. I moved a HUGE bookshelf that really couldn't hold much. (neat shelf from an old store...held jars of penny candy at one time I think...)
Ya'll...just a warning, this is terrible! I cannot believe it was such a hot mess back here.
Well.....I found surprises underneath that shelf....lots and LOTS of surprises.<RAT droppin's>
I did not take a picture because...ewww that's gross.
Here is the after :::insert harp music and angels descending with a soft glow of sunlight here:::
Now, had I actually remembered I had taken a BEFORE picture I would have taken the AFTER picture from the same angle....ahem...yea.So anyways- the ginormous shelf used to be against this wall and my desk was in the middle crammed between the computer tables and cabinets. It is wonderul now. Still cluttered underneath, but those are baskets of "stuff" to file. Note to self: Next summer's big project will be scanning all worksheets/paper work onto a flash drive.
I love my floor lamp on top of the filing cabinet.
Thanks to Leigh for that idea!
Say hello to the TV I only use to watch the School House Rock DVD! My stinkin' computer won't play it.
Not perfect, but it'll get there.
Here are some more pictures of finished "projects" from this week:
This is my Every Day Counts board. Some of you may have this with your math program. I love me some Singapore math! I don't know if this is strictly with Math in Focus series. |
We got our Calendar materials in VERY late (back ordered), so we will start this on Tuesday.
The infamous Debbie Miller Class Promise...oh how I love thee!
This is my little table by the front door (right). I keep my binder with the kid's information (emergency contacts, registration forms, etc...) I keep lunch forms here too. Easy peasy.
ALSO- I keep those Brain Quest Cards in there! Just in case we are lined up but waiting on a few kiddos or have a few extra minutes.
Close up of the pencil cups...love me some Pinterest!
Another pinterest find! I bought sparkly-black-sticker scrap booking letters. Easy, EASY! Ummm I have had to kiss my brain toooo many times this week...for all the hard work..while
I was suppose to be off....right?
ANYWAYS- I plan on posting a neat/easy science activity on Tuesday that takes
no planning at all!
Thanks for stopping by and checking out updated pics of the room.
Here is a random freebie...Math question word bubbles! I am putting these around my Every Day Counts board. I made these last night, and am currently cutting them out of lamination. This is a way to remind yourself and the kiddos to push that thinking further!
Click HERE
P.S.- sorry about the black line border thingy. It happens every time I save a DJInkers picture.