I absolutely love this teacher-bloggy world of ours! I am inspired daily by everyone's ideas. To celebrate now having 300 wonderful followers, I am doing another giveaway. So...drum roll please....
I am giving away a copy of
How fitting! I love the beginning of the school year!
of course a....

worth $20
So how do you enter you ask? Good question...
1. Follow my blog and leave a comment saying so. (If you are already a follower, leave me a comment as well.)
2. Blog about the giveaway on your blog and leave me a comment with the link to the post.
3. Leave me a comment describing your favorite read aloud for the beginning of the school year. (Chapter book as well...I'm in the need for something new. Thanks!)
So there ya go...three ways to enter! This contest will end on Thursday night at 11:59pm. The winner will be announced Friday evening.
I hope ya'll have a fabulous week.
I follow your blog.
I love reading First Day Jitters for Back to School.
I'm a follower.
I like to read Muggie Maggie. In third grade we learn cursive and in this book the character refuses to learn cursive.
Already a follower! Congrats on 300!!!
I am a new follower, but I love your blog! I have a blog, but have not kept it up. I have been working on my class website this summer for my parents and students. I'm thinking I'd like to get my blog current and going again!
I like to read "First Day Jitters" also, but a chapter book that I like to read at the beginning of the year is "Best School Year Ever". Every class I have read this to love it!
Thanks for sharing!!
I am already a follower on your blog. Congratulations on 300 followers!
This year I had planned on doing The Best School Year Ever by Barbara Robinson. I just love the Herdmans and their antics.
I am already a follower of your blog! I love it. Thanks for all the great ideas. :)
I am already a follower of your blog!!
I love reading Wimberley Worried and Chrysanthemum.
I am a follower of your blog & love your ideas!
I like to read Nobody's Mother in 2nd grade.
I love reading the kissing hand, the night before Kindergarten. I love books too!
I follow your blog!
I follow your blog!! I never knew there were more Miss Malarky books!! I LOVE Testing Miss Malarky!!
My favorite read aloud for the beginning of the year has always been The Kissing Hand for Kindergarten....but now that I am teaching 2nd grade, I need to find something new!
I already follow your blog.
I love reading Frindle to my kids. I always cry at the end. It helps my kids connect with their teacher being "human." Good luck on the adventure this year.
I am already a follower of your blog!!
I'm a follower!
I love to read Chrysanthemum at the beginning of the year. I'm checking out Stuart Goes to School for a chapter book read aloud this year.
I follow your blog.
I like to read The Brand New Kid, by Katie Couric.
I follow your blog and love it!! :)
I just bought "Testing Ms. Malarkey" since my 3rd graders take the MEAP test in the beginning of the year. :)
I'm following you now...I was before, but now it is official!
I follow your blog!
I follow your blog!
I like reading First Day Jitters to my students on the first day!
I'm a follower!
3rd Grade Gridiron
I love to share Amelia Bedilia's First Day of School! She's so dang silly! It gets the kids to loosen up. :)
3rd Grade Gridiron
I follow your blog :)
I love to read so many books during the first week of school. "When the Relatives Came" is a personal favorite though
I follow your blog!
My favorite read aloud for the beginning of the school year is "Frindle" by Andrew Clements!
I follow your blog! Congratulations on 300 followers!
My favorite read aloud for the beginning of the year, "Born to Read"!
I follow your blog
My favorite read aloud is the TWITS by Roahl Dalh.
I follow your blog and I really, really want this book. I have another Miss Malarkey book...love her!
Second Grade Strategies for Sizzlin' Second Graders!
The Yellow Rocking Chair
I follow your blog! Thanks for sharing all your ideas!
I blogged about your giveaway.
I blogged
I follow your blog!
I blogged about your giveaway!
I follow your blog. Love to read aloud Marvin Redpost: Alone in His Teachers House (easy chapter book)
At the start of the school year, I like to read Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon. As for chapter books- I love School According to Humphrey and Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing.
My favorite read alouds are Kevin Henkes' books because he uses them to present an underlying message to the children. Try out Chrysanthemum, Lily's Purple Plastic purse, Chester's Way, Owen, Julius-Baby of the World...and more!
Second Grade Strategies for Sizzlin' Second Graders!
The Yellow Rocking Chair
I also love "No Talking" by Andrew Clements. He is an awesome author and my students love hearing his chapter books! He has such fresh ideas!
Second Grade Strategies for Sizzlin' Second Graders!
The Yellow Rocking Chair
I follow your blog!
I'm already a follower!
I also like to read First Day Jitters!
I love books and I love reading to my class! When I taught 3rd, I loved to start the year with the "Teacher From the Black Logoon" and all the others in the series. I also liked reading "Miss Nelson is Missing!" to my kids.
I follow your blog
Thank you for sharing your ideas with us on your blog! Like so many others I read Chrysanthemum and Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes. First Day Jitters is always a good read on the first day. I always read a chapter book that is part of a series first...if you can get them hooked on a series they are super motivated to read more!
I blogged about your give-away at
I follow your blog! ~ Amanda @ The Teaching Thief
Oooo...very favorite back to school read aloud... that's a tough one. I think I would have to say The Best Story by Eileen Spinelli. I love that it invites kids to write from their lives and from their hearts. ~Amanda @ The Teaching Thief
I'm already a follower:)
4th Grade Frolics
ONe of my fave beginning of the year books if First Day Jitters:) I thought, like everyone has read that book but this year I found that most of my students hadn't heard it...when I got the the ending, the looks on their faces was priceless!!! One of them even said "what the heck?" It was too cute!!
4th Grade Frolics
I follow your blog.
I blogged about your giveaway.
I started my year last year with Indian in the Cupboard (somewhat edited) to talk about responsibility, etc. This year with my third graders I am not sure. I have been thinking about using A Wrinkle in Time.
I've recently became a third grade teacher (again) and was in a search for amazing blogs. I'm so glad I stumbled upon yours. I loved third grade when I taught it before and after a few years in first grade I'm ready for the switch again.
I'm a new follower!
I follow...I teach 3rd, and I hadn't seen this Miss Malarkey book. Love it!
I follow your blog
I love First Day Jitters and The School Story
I enjoy your blog!
I am a follower and would love another book. I also read First Day Jitters.
Congrats on reaching 300 followers (I am one of the masses)! I'm still trying to get to thirty! I'm doing at Giveaway, too, so check it out.
Pitner's Potpourri
I shared your giveaway on by blog at http://pitnerm.blogspot.com/2011/08/woot-woot-giveaway.html.
Pitner's Potpourri
I'm a follower!
I follow your blog!
My favorite back to school read aloud include Back to School Splat, and If you take a Mouse to School!
I follow your blog!
I'm a new follower :)
I always start the first Judy Moody book on the first day of school. Judy is a third grader in Virginia going back to school- just like my students. They always get hooked on the series, which is a bonus! Now that I'm teaching second, I'm not sure what I'll read! Thanks for all your ideas! :)
I already follow your blog!
First Day Jitters and the Crayon Box That Talked is are great books to read on the 1st day of school.
Just found your blog and I love it! I'm now a follower.
I teach SPED and we always start out reading Mr. Falker - because the kids can relate to the story and it gives us a starting place to talk about goal setting.
I just began following tonight. I love your blog! This is my 9th year in 3rd grade and by far the best read aloud ever, especially at the beginning of the year, is The Ghost of Fossil Glen by Cynthia DeFelice. Your kids will come back years later asking if you still read it as a read aloud.
I follow your blog!
I love reading Sideways Stories from Wayside School at the beginning of the year- the kids love it!
I love your blog! Thanks for sharing so many great ideas! I begin my school year by reading my third grade class The Hundred Dresses. My students have always loved this book and this year seems to be proving no different. This read is sure to provide Wonderful life-long lessons that children are sure to connect with.
I love to read Frindle by Andrew Clements.
I follow your blog!
I love reading 'I Wish I Were a Butterfly' by James Howe.
The Apple Basket Teacher
I am now following your blog! I like to read "How to be Cool in the Third Grade" and "Gooney Bird Greene"...
Have a great new year!
I am going to read First Day Jitters this year.
I follow your blog.
I am now a follower.
I always read First Day Jitters.
I'm a new follower!
Monarch Madness
Wow--cool blog! I just found your blog today because another blogger posted a link to you! http://staplersstrategies.blogspot.com/
I would like to enter your contest, too and plan to follow your blog now! I am a former 3rd grade teacher who was moved to 2nd grade...my heart still lies with 3rd. :)
I'm following your blog now! Just moved to 3rd grade this year and I love finding 3rd grade blogs!!
One of my favorite read alouds the first day is "Hooway for Wodney Wat" It's a great story about excepting other's differences!
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