Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wonderful Website Wednesday

I am known in my school to be the "website girl". I am always sending teachers or my instructional coaches websites I run across, so I have decided that every Wednesday I will post one or more wonderful websites! Some you may have heard of and some maybe not. Either way the information is getting out there.

One wonderful website I came across while making my plans for review week (review forstate testing...arg!) is Study Jams. It is absolutely free and very similar to BrainPop! This website is full of math and science videos. I watched a few: photosynthesis, combinations, solar system, water cycle, etc.. Love it! I can't wait to watch one as a transition into a review game.

Another website I am absolutely in love with is There are amazing videos of teachers k-2 and 3-5 teaching reading and writing. I love to see how other teachers "teach" and the language they use.

So here is the link for k-2 reading K-2
*muy importante- scroll on the VoD box on the right hand of the video description, then go up to your internet tools and the pop up blocker thingy might come on...hit the X. THEN go back down to the VoD box and click again.

Link for 3-5 reading 3-5
Link for 3-5 Writing 3-5 writing

So I hope ya'll have a wonderful Wednesday! If you have any other website suggestions, please feel free to post them!


1 Miss C said...

Love this! I often get called the same thing....As a first year teacher I am always searching for new ways to jazz things up!!!

Can't wait to see what other websites you post!

2 Julie said...

Thanks for the Betty tip!! I can't believe you made that last night! I checked out Study Jams and it look very cool. I watched a couple videos and I think they will be awesome. I decided to start a sqworl section just for the cool sites I find so I can categorize them by subject for next years plans. You should check out if you haven't already. It lets you organize thumbnails of your fav. sites and leave notes under them. I have mine listed on my site if you want to look.

Thanks for the sites!!
Thoughts of a Third Grade Teacher

3 Amanda K. said...

Oh wow! That would help so much! Thanks! I will check that out now!

4 Mrs. B said...

I have not seen that! Thanks for sharing - I cannot wait to share with my grade level!!!!