Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Must Buy!

I purchased One Extra Degree's -Amanda's Chris Van Allsburg Author Study packet on TPT last week. Two Bad Ants was already in our reading textbook, and it is one of my favorites! I am telling you, this unit is a must buy! I absolutely love it! She is extending the sale due to the TPT maintenance....so go buy it...now. Tut-Tut!

Here is the link to read more about it on her blog: Chris Van Allsburg Study

Here is here TPT store: One Extra Degree TPT
One Extra Degree

You will love it!

Also---anyone else spend a fortune at Lesson Plan SOS's TpT?
Lesson Plan SOS
LOVE them!


1 comment:

  1. I did!! I spent a fortune!! They really are amazing! I wish I could do what they do. Maybe someday but for right now I'm willing to take them up on all their great lessons. You just can't find what teachers on TpT do anywhere else!

    Thoughts of a Third Grade Teacher


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