Saturday, October 22, 2011

It's Been a While...

Hey ya'll! It has been a VERY long time since I posted last. I, like every single one of you, have been extremely busy. I have been reading everyone's posts, but I've been to worn out to post myself. The lack of creative juices have also had an impact.

I am going to post some pictures of "stuff" we have done, and some stuff I plan on doing. Blogging has changed the way  soooo many of us teach now. I love how we can share our ideas and use other's ideas in our own classrooms. Pinterest has also done the same.

I apologize for the lack of creativeness (is that a word?)

One week (a looong time ago) our skill was sequencing. I always want kids to know how we use these "things" we rant on and on about in their everyday lives. Soooo---we followed a recipe and make Chocolate chip muffins! Groups had to follow the recipe on the back of the box and work together to make the muffins. They loved it! AND I was blown away at how well they can crack eggs! NOT ONE broken shell in the batter!

Here are some pics:

It was crazy hair day...

We rolled the cart of muffins down to the cafeteria where our sweet ladies baked them for us.
AND OH MY...they were soooo yummy!

We wrote a letter thanking them for baking the muffins AND cleaning our bowls and spoons! Such sweet, sweet ladies!

Here are a couple of pictures from our Edible Island day...

I saw this on a blog I adore, Persnickety Pickles and I knew I had to do it. I made a physical map sheet for the kiddos to illustrate their own Edible Island. I tried to make it just like hers.

Here is my Edible Island. The only thing I thought of on my own was using Reese's Miniature PB cups as plateaus. The other candies and thier uses were all Katie from Persnickety Pickles.

I took some bites out of my graham crackers to make a peninsula...and a bay.

Every kiddo made their own. They were so creative and adorable.I took their pictures and will place them in the hall along with their physical maps. I would post those pictures, but that would be toooooo much editing.

Maybe one day soon I will get caught up, stay healthy, and be rested enough to begin posting on a weekly basis.
For right now, this will have to do.
I still read everyone's amazing posts which inspire me daily.


1 Mrs. Corbitt said...

How yummy! I hope that I can get everything together to do this with my class as well. Thanks for sharing!!!

2 Unknown said...

I love both of these ideas and am definitely going to try them!

Pitner's Potpourri

3 Mrs. Gray said...

I LOVE this!! Do you have a copy of the physical map printable?

4 Teacher said...

Amazing information keep sharing I like it