Monday, June 13, 2011

What I am reading...and other randomness

Ok, so many people that know me know that I love to read. Not only fiction but professional books as well. I am still a new teacher, and there is so much I still want to learn. So today I went to Barnes and Noble (my favorite place!) and sat in the Education isle. I found a few books I thought I wanted to read, but quickly changed my mind. However I did pick up:
Cover Image 
I am all about learning how to develop higher level thinking in all of MY students. (Kristen at Ladybug Teacher's Files has a post about  QAR strategies and printing a neat QAR reminder bookmark on Post-its!-Go check it out) Has anyone read these books? I had never heard of QAR before Kristen's post. Any suggestions?
There is not much exciting going on right now. I am involved in a Formative Instructional Practices project with other wonderful teachers from our county. We are writing I can statements for each standard. I'm excited about these. We will be sending home checklists of mastered/non-mastered "I cans" each nine week period.
I'll be moving to a new room sometime next week...VERY exciting! 6 computers and lots of storage! My sweet friend, Leigh, was at school today working on her room move. When I got out of the FIP thing, I called her to chat. She informed me that she and her sweet children moved half my stuff for me today! Isn't that so sweet! I am so blessed to have her! I will be posting on the move and setting up the room! Hope ya'll had a good weekend!


1 Mrs. Fine said...

You'll love QAR! If more teachers at your school do it, it's great to see it become more meaningful to students because they see it repeatedly over the years. Happy Reading !!

2 Nicole said...

I read Bringing Words to Life for one of my reading endorsement classes and from what I recall it was very good. Enjoy your reading, I know my list grows by the minute!

3 Miss B said...

Hey Amanda, I'm pretty new to blogging but not to teaching. I'm also changing classrooms (subjects and schools too!) so I'm a bit disorganized right now, but I have taught third grade for 3 years and will post some great language arts reads to the Shelfari on my blog ASAP. Check it out at Miss B, Busy Bee

Anonymous said...

QAR is awesome! There's nothing better than when kids get into discussions about which type of question it is and then try to prove why. :-) At that point, it doesn't even matter to me WHAT type of question it is, I'm just so happy the kids are thinking about it so much, ha!

5 Julie said...

Amanda!! Where have you been??!! It has been a long time since you posted! I miss you! Come back! :)
I hope you haven't taken any bets to stay away from computers. Have you been so busy reading these books that you forgot you are a blogger??
I hope your summer is going well.
Thoughts of a Third Grade Teacher

6 Unknown said...

I just bought QAR, too. We'll have to compare notes.
Pitner's Potpourri