Monday, June 6, 2011

Quick lil' Post

Due to my exhaustion, this post is only referencing someone else's post that I found to be VERY interesting. Sharon Taberski, author of On Solid Ground and Comprehension from the Ground Up has a blog! I just found it a few days ago.

Comprehension from the Ground Up: Simplified, Sensible Instruction for the K-3 Reading Workshop    On Solid Ground : Strategies for Teaching Reading K-3
She just posted something that I found interesting, and I wanted to share. To head on over to her blog, All About Comprehension. The article is about managing time for reading response and independent reading.

Also- don't forget about my giveaway! It ends Wednesday night.


1 Beverley Baird said...

Thanks Amanda! Great link. Saw a fabulous video at Sharon's blog on the importance of teaching content areas! Yeah - someone gets it!

2 Mrs. Randall said...

Great link! I loved reading this article...this is a common problem that I have too. I never know how much time to allot for it on a daily basis, how to keep it all together, etc. I've used Beth Newingham's Readers Notebooks idea for a few years but I tweak it every year. How do you do reading response in your room?

Mrs. Randall’s Learning Library

3 Amanda K. said...

I've kind of always posted a question before independent reading time. Have you seen Kristen's(Ladybug Teacher Files) reading response questions on post-its? I love that. I honestly don't know how I'm going to do this next year. Maybe more "get with your reading partner and discuss your response to the posted question" than writing the response- just because it takes them more time to write than to discuss. WHICH takes time away from independent reading.