Saturday, April 23, 2011

YAY! Now time to share

Now it's time for a random printable share...Let's see if this works!

Planet Brochure

Before we began this activity we looked at many different travel brochures! We discussed the pictures, titles, and captions. I placed the kids into groups of 2. I assigned them a planet, and they researched it on WorldBookonline, library books, and in our science text book. The inside of the brochure is mainly facts, but the outside is much more fun! They get to imagine they can travel to the planet, and write about places you can visit. (We threw in some author's purpose into this lesson too...persuade!!!). They loved it!

Something I will do differently next year is have them make commercials to visit the planet with our Flip Camera! They will have an outline to fill out for writing the script with information that is in the brochure.

That concludes today's random share!



1 Amanda K. said...

I just realized the document isn't perfectly lined up on the "amazing facts" side, but it will be folded, so it shouldn't matter.


2 Dana said...

Very cute! Thanks for sharing!


3 oh' boy said...

love it thanks so much!!!

4 Adrienne said...

I am a fellow 3rd grade teacher (I love finding 3rd grade blogs!) & I now follow your blog!

5 YearntoLearn said...

Love it. I'm 3rd grade too.

6 LjP said...

Smith, here I sit, thinking about the giant notebook I will make this summer! So excited! 22 days!
Also- totally cute brochure! If we did space, I would steal it for sure!!